The word “green” and “sustainable” are often used interchangeably, but there are some differences between these two. A “green” building is not always sustainable but a sustainable” building can be considered as “green”. The term “Sustainable” always takes account of conserving nature for the present as well as for the future generation.

Sustainable again includes positive climate change, social wisdom, reuse of resources, adopting ancient culture with the addition of science and technology so that the direct and indirect degradation of resources is minimal.


It reduces the footprint it leaves on the natural environment and on the health of its inhabitants. Its design includes a building for energy efficiency, including the use of renewable energy sources such as wind, water, or solar; creating a healthy indoor environment. Implementing natural ventilation systems and using construction materials that minimize the use of volatile organic compounds in the home. The definition of green is relatively simple while sustainable has a more precise meaning.

wood is generally considered as a green product or eco-friendly because it is natural and durable, but it is not always sustainable. Wood is sustainable if the company that cuts down the trees does not permanently deplete the forest. If it is harvested in an environmentally irresponsible way, it is not sustainable at all.

Green” bamboo flooring is popular. There is no doubt that a lumber product made from a renewable resource is green, but most bamboo flooring is made in China and transported by ships and trucks to different countries all around the world. The fuel used to transport the material and the air pollution caused turn it into the opposite of sustainable material since it contributes to global climate change.

It provides a natural and eco-friendly environment for a specific reason but it does not take into account the indirect loss of nature for providing eco-friendly services.

Following reasoning, imply that green building is pseudo sustainable or we can say that pseudo green.


is a broad concept. The practice of creating healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, and demolition. the materials and resources that are used in the construction have low embodied energy and produce a minimal environmental impact are key elements.

derived from the term “sustainable agriculture,” which is the production of any plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, communities, public health, human and animal welfare without compromising future generations. The importance of sustainability lies in the “future” factors. Sustainable products reduce the impact on the environment by using responsibly-sourced products; those that are either completely renewable or sustainably harvested. Gathering resources does not affect the surrounding area, pollute the air, or permanently reduce the supply.

Only a house that meets zero energy standards, with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions, can be considered sustainable. Waste management reuse of second-hand materials or recycle waste materials also comes into account.

The three main pillars of sustainability are – economic development, social development, environmental protection.

o   Economic development- It provides incentives for the business and organization direct or indirect way. By taking into account the conservation of resources for our future generation.

o   Social development – It is associated with a concept that is social responsibility. In today’s world, any form of the organization looks after people’s lives.

o   Environmental protection – We need to take care of nature & the environment to ensure the future of humanity.

The primary focus is to achieve sustainable development goals.


design is more concerned about the present. We can say that green design focuses more on near-term impacts. But our focus should be to protect and conserve nature for the next generation. If we waste more than our future will get less. Technology development is good but we should take into our mind that it should impact less or have no impact on the environment. Its adoption is advantageous for a specific destination but it might indirectly deplete or harm resources in the other region or in the same.

Whereas sustainable design or building is more concerned about future humanity, we can say that its primary focus on long-term impacts. It majorly focuses on 3Ps – People, Planet, Profit. It is more concerned about our future generation. Even UNWTO is focusing on developing countries for sustainable tourism & development. It always concerns the conservation of resources. Adopting ancient culture with the addition of science for new innovation. Always taking into mind that adopting new culture and technology should not harm natural resources.


design and sustainable design both look after the environment. Both provide an eco-friendly environment at a specific destination. Both are concerns towards pollution, external noise, conservation of flora & fauna at a specific destination.

Both are focused on minimal degradation of resources and primarily looks into-

o   Efficient use of energy, water, natural product, and other resources.

o   Protecting occupant health and also taking care of other people and employees.

o   Reducing pollution, waste, and environmental degradation.


Our primary focus is to conserve the environment. We reused many waste materials like doors, windows, etc. we harvest rainwater by various methods (with wells, ponds, etc.). We used waste tires in our playground in different ways. The place is free from pollution and noise. Our primary focus is to give tourists a world-class experience with minimal use of natural resources. We provide unique accommodation and the best hospitality. The villagers are quite humble and very friendly.

We always take into our mind the carbon footprints, social wisdom. We have adopted our ancient culture with little addition of science so that degradation is minimal and provides a positive climate for the present and for future generations.